I would love to sit down tonight and write a lengthy post about some interesting topic or funny little story that has happened this week but the truth is I’m tired and my mind feels like a bowl full of noodles. I’ve got a to do list that needs some major attention but it’s been one of those weeks where I’ve felt like staying in my pjs all day, I’ve missed a couple of appointments because they were not written down in my planner, and I’ve really been procrastinating packing for our trip out of town this weekend.
I’m hoping I’m more organized and more energized next week!
I will tell you one short story from tonight. As we were sitting down to eat dinner Jonah said “Oh my Gosh! Mommy, you are soooo crazy! Crazy, Crazy, Crazy!!” He wasn’t suppose to find that out until he was older! Heh!
Enjoy a few photos that I did manage to take this week as I lounged around in my pjs.
Jonah recently found a set of Josh’s Super Man sheets from when he was Jonah’s age. Just this week we have used one as a blanket for our indoor picnic, as a tent, and as his nap companion.
Jonah the Storm Trooper
This week she had another tooth come in, started sitting up on her own (I have a video but need some pictures) and starting getting up on all fours rocking back and fourth. My guess is in the next week or so she will be crawling!
Walked into Meredith’s room after hearing her wake up from her nap on the monitor and found Jonah had beat me to her room. This is not the first time I have found him in the crib with her.
Circling the gifts that he wants to ask Santa for in the Toys R Us catalog. I was expecting to see every toy circled but to my surprise only two things were marked – An Imaginex dinosaur and a dragon fortress!