Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Fabulous Five

It seems like only yesterday I was in the hospital waiting anxiously for Miss M's arrival but according to the calendar it was five months ago today that our little ladybug was born. I've always heard that with the second child, time seems to just slip by in the blink of an eye and boy were they right. Maybe it's because we've been so busy this summer but it's still hard for me to believe that next month Meredith will be half a year old!

So, here are some of her five month updates. We recently introduced cereal and she's not a huge fan but I guess it's an acquired taste. She laughs out loud when we tickle her belly or say funny words. She is rolling both ways now. Sometimes I have to be careful because if I step away for even a second she will be clear across the room! Though she has such delicate little features, she is starting to develop tiny baby rolls on her the back of her legs which I just find irresistibly cute! She loves taking a bath and getting a massage afterwards with calming lotion. She is fascinated with Riley. Everytime she sees him, she flashes the biggest smile and starts kicking and screaming. She seems to find comfort in sleeping next to Jonah and loves to snuggle with all of us in our bed in the mornings. She is still sleeping through the night and letting her mommy get eight hours of sleep. Well, it could be eight hours of sleep if I didn't edit photos, check email, work on my blog or play on Facebook until the wee hours of the morning!

We have finally established a nap routine which brings some much needed peace and serenity to our household during the day! Two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon. Our night time routine consists of what I call the three B's...bath, bottle and bedtime. Meredith likes to be swayed and hushed to sleep but don't even think about sitting down in the glider to rock her to sleep. That is a major no-no and she will instanly wake up and express her discontent. Meredith is what I think Dr. Sears refers to as a "high-needs" baby in his books. She likes to be held ALL THE TIME! I guess we kind of expected her to be a little high maintenance considering my pregnancy but we didn't expect her to cry every time we sat her down! Not that we mind holding her all the time. Actually we love it but the reality is we also have a three year old to care for, laundry that has to be done, and errands to run. So, we are still working on finding a balance in that area! She's just a girl that knows what she wants and she's determined to let everyone around her know too!

First Cereal

I love her blue eyes...just like her Daddy's

Finally big enough to sit in the Bumbo seat

She's so delicate just like a little ladybug which is why it's a perfect nickname

Love this smile

Who wouldn't want to hold someone this adorable all the time???


The Clark Family said...

She may have her Daddy's eyes, but she looks a lot like her Mama. She is gorgeous!

lauren_kitts said...

I love how her hair is a little red since its lightened up some*** her and Jonah have the best smiles***

CKY said...

Meredith is so adorable, and it does seem that time has just flown by. I remember reading your posts from the hospital, and it seems like just last month. I think Emi is taking after Meredith - she cries every evening right around dinner time, and seems to always want to be held. She also fights to keep from falling asleep all day, so hoping she takes after Meredith and establishes naps soon. I don't know how you do it with 2 kids - superwoman!

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